Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Vermilion Teachers Union Officials Get Twenty-Five Days Off!

One of the hallmark signs of an agreement or contract being unfair is that it gives special treatment to those who created the agreement. That's exactly what I've found in the union contract for the Vermilion Association of Educators.

In the contract, it stipulates that the VAE is able to send representatives of the union to attend conferences, conventions, workshops, or committee meetings that are conducted by the local, state, or national Associations. Nothing wrong with that right? Except that the contract stipulates that the School Board of Vermilion Parish is to provide professional leave for these activities, without loss of salary, for a total of twenty-five aggregate days per fiscal year.

When the union officials get their 25 days off, that means we have to pay for substitutes. And when we can’t find substitutes, we have to watch their classes and their kids. This simply isn’t fair to the rest of us! 

1 comment:

  1. I think the VAE pays for the subs for those 25 days off...but really, that means those of us paying for dues are paying for it, so I see your point.

    I'm not sure how I feel about all this yet, but I think it's a good thing that you're bringing it up for discussion.
